Self-care – My top tips

November 4, 2022

Self-care – My top tips for taking care of yourself & allowing “me” time

At this time of year I get a strong feeling of nostalgia. The evenings are getting darker, there’s a crispness in the air, the trees are turning orange and there are pumpkins at every turn. The arrival of autumn is a great reminder for us to slow down, a time for self-care and looking after ourselves. Challenging the inner voice that tells us “I should be working” or “doing something” and instead allowing the space for quality time spent on myself, family and physical environment. Self-care is important now more than ever.

I wanted to share some ways that I nurture my body and give it what it needs in the hopes that it might help others who find it equally challenging to “do less” and practice Self-care in reality. How you look after your skin and body will pay dividends, now and in the future. We might be feeling frazzled but taking positive steps and making small changes really can make a difference to how we feel.

1. Sleep and rest
Self-care encompasses so much but for me the number one thing is sleep. Quite honestly the best thing you can do for your body is sleep and rest. It’s a gift. During sleep/rest/meditation your body is able to heal and recover. Give your body what it needs and don’t feel guilty for a long slumber. Having a small human is so precious and night wakings are common, recently we’ve all been struggling with getting a good night’s rest so getting to bed early is highly recommended. Good sleep hygiene is critical for anti-aging, when well rested we look less tired and our skin will glow.

2. Time in nature
Get outdoors as much as you can, if possible at least once a day. A stroll is enough, maybe sit for a little while. Crunch some leaves, walk through puddles, watch the birds. It’s good for the soul and the fresh air and vitamin D works wonders for our mind and body. Recently I’ve been heading to the mountains in Monmouth each weekend, the fresh air and nature has given my brain a wash of peace, my skin can breathe and I’m exercising whilst I wander. I’ve been sleeping better and our small human has been sleeping more soundly as a result! It’s even given me a healthy glow.

3. Good food
My go-to at this time of the year is a hearty bone broth. Warm and nutritious food is key. A bone broth is packed full of collagen and minerals, great for the digestive system and amazing for skin and hair. I’ll share my secret chicken broth recipe soon (it’s not really a secret but it IS delicious). In the colder darker months I also say eat a little of what you fancy, listen to what your body wants, now isn’t a time for depriving ourselves, eat food you enjoy without the guilt.

4. Pamper yourself
It might be a bubble bath, a face mask or treating yourself to some amazing new skincare. I like to overhaul my make-up bag from time to time and this is also something I offer as a service along with a make-up lesson. Ditch the products that are no longer giving you the glow and welcome in some wonderful products that give you the fresh complexion you’re after.

A personal shopping service or make-up bag make-over are two great places to start. As we move into the colder seasons our skin’s needs change. Chapped lips no more!

I can teach you how to choose products suitable for your skin tone and type, you’ll learn about which shades to look for and what finish will best bring out your natural radiance and get the right texture. If you’d be interested in my help you can find the booking link further below. Let’s celebrate ourselves whatever stage we are at in our lives. We can look good, feel good and be our best.

Let’s stop feeling guilty for taking some “me” time. Make some time for yourself this autumn and give your body some TLC.



See the classes and services you can book with me below and the links to make a booking. I can’t wait to help you on your beauty journey.

Schedule a Make-up Class

Classes to choose from-

Make-up Masterclass: You’ll learn how and where to apply make-up based on your unique face and overcome challenges you have. Includes a personalised make-up kit.

Flawless Face: Learn how to get a gorgeous complexion every time.

5 Minute Face: Learn time saving techniques, look refreshed and awake in no time.

Ageless Beauty: A make-up class for over 40 to rethink your beauty routine.

Eyeconic: Learn make-up application techniques to enhance your eyes for any occasion.

DIY Bride: Learn how to do your Wedding Make-up.

Make-up Bag Make-over: 90 Minute Class on How to Use Your Make-up Products and Clean out Your Existing Make-up Bag for products that are no longer working. We also go over a basic application where we use what you have and can build on from there.

Personal Shopping: Need help choosing beauty products? Let me shop for beauty for you. Tailored to your needs.


Explore make-up lessons and make a booking HERE.


I work with the most incredible products from SENNA make-up, I’ve chosen to use this outstanding brand for my own kit and offer retail for your personal use. See more about the products I recommend HERE.

love Donna x



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